Thursday, November 1, 2012

AP Hamlet PLN

If there are eyes out there that don't know what the inside of our school classroom looks like PLN stands for personal learning network.  It's not just gonna be mine though.  Y'all can have some too.  It's a compilation of resources to help us learn.  We begin with Y'ung H or, as others may call him, Hamlet.

This one is a museum but Hamlet hasn't changed so any perspectives or questions that you see here are still valid.
Here's another dinosaur.  Actually, I just realized that and I feel like some ki'na fool for trying to invite the author to use our learning path. Wateva.  That message will probably land in the cobwebs of an inbox far from the eyes of judgment and embarrassment.
Bookmark this PYT because it has not only a collection of tools that relate Hamlet to other works but also similar work on other literary feats like Candide and Brave New World.
Are these people us? No.  But they're doing something along the same format as us and that familiarity can make it a cool environment to collaborate...with strangers.
After the jump you will find a blog that has summaries of the scenes of Hamlet so if you couldn't read the whole thing, you could read that lil' bit.  Noice! Also, it seems to be a collection of resources for many AP subjects so that's cool too. TTYL


  1. I found some of the same ones as you. I had the same problem though, a lot of them were outdated :(

  2. Good idea to explain PLN. Yeah I need to make sure my message goes to a still active source.
