Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hamlet. The other white meat.

What I know about Hamlet is based on what I've learned in pop culture.  Lion King plot is similar to Hamlet's.  Was it his father's ghost? He is a prince? I'd like to thank Freaky Friday (starring America's sweetheart, Lindsay Lohan) for teaching me a bit about Hamlet also.
Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon.  He married a woman named Anne Hathaway.  Many call him the father of Modern English.  His venue after he became celebrated was the Globe, a rounder stage.  He wrote in iambic pentameter.
Students frown at the sound of his name because the reading is not as modern as the English we speak today.  This makes it harder to read.  Also, they probably frown because their teachers say "Read this," and then they get essays or tests (jk both).
To make this truly memorable we should read in class as if it were a table read for a sitcom or animated show.

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