Sunday, August 12, 2012

Não Falo Besteira

It's about time I write this.  I'm not gonna put up a façade of typical answers (unless, of course, my honest replies are actually that standard).  I signed up for this class because,  in 2010,  I found a new way to perceive the world.  Maybe I just got a little more mature, but I think it legitimately altered the way I interpret the things I see and hear.  I also took this class for the GPA boost and the AP label it carries, which is not to say that I wouldn't have taken the class otherwise.  I just know that the people who are in charge of letting me into the place I've been told to get to my whole life are not sitting in the classroom with me, understanding how innovative and immersive this class promises to be.  I'm not sure that place, a.k.a. NYU,  is gonna be worth it in the end but I  really want to be there in (arguably) the most cosmopolitan city in the world.  It's the cityscape in this blog's background and the purple at the top of the page is NYU's official purple.  But for now, back on task.
             I'm excited for the incorporation of technology into our lesson planning because we're gonna be living in this world full of wi-fi, iclouds, and video conferences.  And that's just standard at the moment.  I know that Dr. Preston is going to come through in this promise because he doesn't put things in the syllabus that aren't true like the majority of teachers. 
            Nervous? As in what makes me tense and short of breath?  Not knowing how difficult this class will be.  I'm gonna deal with whatever I'm sent but I still would like to know what's coming at me (biggest insecurity in life also.).  My personal goal in this class is to be an active participant and not sit there letting my thoughts work my stomach into a knot that isn't loosened until I escape the roomful of breathers.  Also, let's try not to procrastinate.  How many times has that goal been set?
             I expect nothing less than sophomore year.  In fact, I expect much more knowing that we've had time to learn and become (marginally) wiser since then.  My knowledge will be beefed up by thinking about things that others have thought about before.  My knowledge will be beefed up by thinking of these things alongside people who actually care about how their brain is filled and used.  Also, my thinking, I hope, will be less dogmatic and more pragmatic, while becoming more receptive.

P.S. This posts title (Portuguese) means: I do not speak nonsense.

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