Monday, January 14, 2013

Parado sobre la Muralla Verde

I could say I want to get a five on the AP exam and it wouldn't be a lie.  It also wouldn't be unique.  What does it take to define my semester in this class?  My overall goal is to become some kind of foreign policy officer (if you have any advice, please share!).  It's pretty vague but, you know, my wishes are fleeting and only revolve around general themes.  And if it's true that we will switch careers at least once, statistically of course, in our lifetimes, then why should I be so specific.  I'm gonna grab the reins of this course and make it open up my mind.  Like most kids in my generation, I'm pretty socially liberal.  I'm a minority from SoCal, what else is new?  But I don't wanna let those liberal dogmas get in the way of letting me hear anything valuable that comes from a Tea Partier or...dare I say it, a Romnesiac.  Mostly, I want to get into the valuable literature that can be a Jaws of Life for an apathetic mind.  This happened for me with The Great Gatsby last year so I hope to let that flow and maybe calibrate and pressurize the flow.

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